Rafting At Last Resort

This article was written 16 years ago in 2007 when I was 22, so I ask you not to judge the writing too harshly! The text is as it was originally published.

An early start this morning wasn’t complimented by a bumpy ride up to Last Resort, a point 12 miles from the Tibetan border. Unfortunately we have to repeat the journey first thing tomorrow.

That said, Sam, Iwan, Anna, other Sam and myself had a fantastic time whitewater rafting down the rapids for three hours. More exciting than my first and only other attempt at this sport in the Rockies, I know feel utterly exhausted.

No help that we have to be outside the travel agents at 5.30am in the morning for the bus to Tibet.

This post was first published on Fri Apr 20 2007 originally on justbeyondthebridge.co.uk, my former personal blog

Andy Higgs
The author

My name is Andy Higgs; I am a business founder, designer and travel enthusiast based in the UK.

More of my travel, history and business writing can be found here, or you can subscribe to the feed for these posts here.